Saturday, March 1, 2008

Las Cruces Article - March 1, 2008

Zoom, zoom: Man runs, coasts cross country to promote physical fitness
Sun-News report
Article Launched: 03/01/2008 12:00:00 AM MST

Sun-News photo by Norm Dettlaff

Glen Turner, 48, runs along Avenida de Mesilla on Friday with a "Zoomer" attached to his body. The man from Louisville, Colo., stopped in Las Cruces on his way to Savannah, Ga., after he started his trek in Oceanside, Calif., on Feb. 17. He is making the 2,500-mile journey solo with nothing but what he can carry in the wheeled cart he made. The device is strapped to his body as he runs, but he can sit inside, prop his legs, and coast down hills — an action he calls "the zooming effect." At a goal of traveling 62 miles day, he plans on making it to his final destination in under 40 days. He said he is making the cross-country journey to promote physical fitness and to prepare him for a run around the world.

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